教学 & 今日学习:2024年9月
快乐地从教学中坠落 & VEA的学习团队! We hope your school year is off to a great start and will prove to be the best one yet. Know that we continue to work behind the scenes to support your ongoing learning and development as a professional and a union member. We want to hear from you about how we can meet your needs. If you facilitate a meeting in your local and would welcome us to join you, 请联系梅林达·布莱特, 教学主任 & 学习,在 mbright@maqve.com, or 805-775-8331. 我们期待收到您的来信!
东南弗吉尼亚(SEVA) NBCT区域网络, VEA NBCT网络合作伙伴, 我们将在周六举行秋季年会, 10月5日, 2024. 今年它将完全是虚拟的.
T在这里 will be two strands: one for those new to the National Board process and another for those who have submitted a component before or are familiar with it.
新候选人会议 will be early in the day and focus on how to get started, 每个组件的概述, and an exploration of the types of writing needed to complete the written components.
Sessions for experienced candidates and MOC candidates will begin midday with participation in the Writing session to set the stage for two sessions of breakout rooms. T在这里 will be a room for each component and MOC during which a facilitator will work with a small group unpacking component questions and examining the rubrics. Each participant will have the opportunity to attend two breakout rooms.
Anyone may attend all day, which will be from 8:15 am until 3:45 pm.
$50 for someone who is a paying member of VEA, the Virginia NBCT Network, or SEVA
如果您有任何问题,请联系Nancy 2 ndvp@sevanbct.org
要了解更多凤凰体育买球国家认证委员会的信息, 访问我们的网站 或者去 www.nbpts.org.
The work of the Department of 教学 and 学习 extends out of headquarters and works directly with members. This month, we will be featuring our Content Developers:
名称: 蒂芙尼Kopcak
的地方: 斯塔福德
您在VEA中完成的角色: Content Creator, Social Justice Committee Chair (SEA)
受教育年数: 18
在VEA工作了10年: 15
成为工会的一员就是成为团队的一员. When I stand, and speak, or shout, I don’t do so alone. 我的兄弟姐妹总是在那里. And when I need to rest and step back, they are t在这里 to carry the torch. 我们工会提倡公平, 平等, and the quality of life for all educators – from teachers to bus drivers, 管理助理, 还有清洁人员. 欢迎所有人. 都是有价值的. 他们奠定了我们社区的基调和文化.
My union, our union, doesn’t speak for me, it speaks for us. It does the research, collects the data, and shows up at the table. 作为一名教育工作者,我感到很自豪.
If you could give 1 piece of advice to someone in education, what would it be?
Wait before you answer to think about what you will say.
Figure out w在这里 you store stress in your body and let that stuff go.
According to a poll conducted by Virginia Commonwealth University, 66% of Virginians say public schools do not have enough funding to meet their needs.